Colcannon: Irish Mashed Potatoes

Peeled potatoes

Some say, once you’ve tasted Colcannon, you’ll never go back to plain old mashed potatoes. 

Bowl of Irish mashed potatoes

Perfect with any meat, poultry or fish dish.


4 or 5 large Irish potatoes, red* or white, cleaned, peeled and cut into 2 inch pieces
6 tablespoons of melted butter
2 tablespoons butter
¾ cup heavy cream or sour cream
1 clove garlic, minced
2 leaks, white portions only sliced thin or 4 or 5 scallions finely chopped
2 bunches of curly kale, remove stems and finely chop
2/3 cup chicken broth
¼ cup fresh parsley, chopped
1 slice bacon, cooked crisp and crumbled (optional)
1/3 cup of shredded Irish cheese, like a mature Gubbeen or Blarney Castle
Salt & pepper to taste


Boil potato chunks until thoroughly cooked and fork tender. While potatoes boil, add two tablespoons of butter to a large fry pan. Saute the leeks or scallions for about a minute, then add the kale and saute for another two minutes. Salt and pepper to taste. Pour chicken broth over leeks and kale and stir. Cover and continue to simmer for 6 to 10 minutes until liquid has disappeared and kale has wilted. Mash potatoes eliminating any lumps. Add the cream or sour cream and melted butter. Continue mashing until blended. Fold in the leeks and kale mixture. Add more seasoning if needed. To serve, place in heated bowl and top with grated cheese and crumbled bacon.*

TIP: Red potatoes usually last longer then white ones.

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