Professional Door Shop

Door shop

Our door shop is a widely used service thanks to an experienced staff. Whatever you need, we handle custom or stock, exterior or interior door requests. We save you a lot of time with quick, reliable turnaround on pre-hanging, door matching, custom millwork and door repair for your job or home. Our clients enjoy reliable pick up and delivery throughout the Bay Area. If you have questions, give your assigned Dolan representative a call or ask for a door expert at any of our locations. Visit Walnut Creek, Burlingame, Concord, or Pinole — or call 800-936-5267.

door shop service

2 thoughts on “Professional Door Shop

  1. Jana Rollo- Fennick says:

    Can we order door on line? We would like to see some options digitally
    once we choose one, our installer will come in, or we may have it deliveted. We need special size 79”x311/4”. Also, do you have fiberglass? please cc Thanks

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