Yes. We have our own “Dolan Pages” of trusted, high quality contractors. Call in to any of our stores and receive the best industry recommendations for your specific project.
Yes. We have our own installation team, P.E.D. Construction, that you can choose to work with when purchasing from any of our locations.
Our Service Department are certified in Andersen repairs. Our team also services windows and exteriors doors purchased through Dolan Lumber. Submit a Service Request Form below.
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Service Request Form
Need a window or exterior door repair on materials purchased through Dolan’s? Submit a service request here!
CREDIT APPLICATION. CLICK HERE for our secure, online Credit Application and approval for a line of credit. Once you submit the application, you will see a LINK TO A HELPFUL DOCUMENT you should print and save for future use.
Donation Request Form
Please complete and submit your
Building Materials Donation Request Form
at least 30 days prior to
the date material is needed.
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To enroll, complete and sign. Please return via email to AR@dolanlumber.com or fax to ATTN: AR 925-926-1050