Beautiful Redwood Fencing is Secure

Redwood Fencing

Privacy fences can also be intruder deterrents. Today’s homeowners want secure privacy and Redwood fencing can be the preferred, most attractive choice.

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Redwood fencing is anything but boring and the preferred choice in California where it is widely available and sustainably grown and manufactured by Humboldt Sawmill Redwood. Considered a high-end choice, it is considerably more economical than tropical wood choices, and even more so when purchased at Dolan’s with always lower prices on higher quality.

Redwood Fencing Advantages
A quality redwood fence will most likely last for 25 years or more with little or no maintenance. It naturally resists insects, decay and warping. And, nothing can compare with the beautiful color of Humboldt Redwood. Fences provide great safety zones for pets. Add a locking gate and you’ve just increased your home’s security.

Redwood Fencing styles.
Another advantage is choice of styles. You can choose horizontal or vertical boards, dog-eared or tailored, lattice, board-on-board, panels or pickets. For privacy and a solid barrier, choose board-on-board or panel style. Pickets tend to be no higher than four feet. Board-on-board fencing looks the same from both sides; attractive inside and out. It can vary in height and provides good privacy as well as protection from the wind and sun. Panel style fencing provides a solid barrier, but design options are more limited. There are many design variations possible, but once you know the look you want, you can select the right redwood for the job.

Your Dolan’s fencing experts at our Concord and Pinole Home Improvement Centers are happy to go through the options with you – both style, wood grades and pricing. There are garden grades and architectural grades of redwood, which are suited for different functions. Garden grades are knotty, rugged and economical. Architectural grades are better suited for decorative fences.

Some things to consider: What views do you want to retain or block? What needs to be protected from the elements – the sun or winds? What style will best complement your house? Don’t forget the zoning laws. Most cities have fence height restrictions, and while some zoning codes consider latticework part of the fence, others don’t. If you live in an HOA governed community, fencing may not be allowed.

Come and. Visit with a Dolan’s Redwood fencing expert. If you don’t have a fence, why wait? Privacy and security are both very important.

3 thoughts on “Beautiful Redwood Fencing is Secure

    • caren jones says:

      Hi Kevin,

      While we carry all sorts of fencing material, we do not have a fencing contractor that we work with. I recommend asking family/friends/coworkers or Concord Chamber of Commerce for a referal.

    • Karen Golay says:

      Call the Concord Store and ask for a fencing expert. Depends on the kind of fence you need. 800-935-5267 or 925-686-1734.

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